(King’s Cross) Ltd.
Arts Council England
Arts Council England East
Arts Council England South East
Bristol City Council
British Council
The British Postal Museum & Archive
(the Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment)
Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation
Canary Wharf Group PLC
Chelsfield Partners
The Church Commissioners
City of London Corporation
The Collection, Lincoln
Countryside Agency (Natural England)
Design East Lancashire
Design for London
Devon County Council
Dorset County Council
East of England Development Agency
Essex County Council
Exemplar Properties
Goldsmiths College University of London
Government Office East
Heritage Lottery Fund
Kerstin Bergendal
The Homes & Communities Agency
The Housing Corporation
Living East
London Borough of Camden
London Borough of Merton
London Borough of Newham
London Borough Tower Hamlets
London Development Agency
London Metropolitan University
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation
Museum of Contemporary Art, Roskilde
The National Churches Trust
The National Trust
Omega Land Ltd.
Port of Tilbury
Rocket PLC
Rich Mix Cultural Foundation
Roskilde Kommune
Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea
Royal Festival Hall
South Bank Centre
Sport England East
Stanhope PLC
Thames & Hudson
Thames Gateway London Partnership
Thames Gateway South Essex
The Collection, Lincoln
The Lighthouse, Glasgow
Thurrock Council
Wellcome Trust
Whitechapel Art Gallery